Your Go-To Source For Self-Improvement.

An online therapy practice that help you dismantle your past conditionings. Because your Cultural & Upbringing forms your limiting beliefs & affect the way you communicate & how you present yourself.

Let’s work together to navigate the root cause of what’s been holding you back & equip you with tools to rewire your programming so you can align yourself with your greatest potential.

Area of focus

Asian Culture

Third Cultural Kid (TCK)

Communication with Asian Parents

Intergenerational Trauma


Attachment Styles

Imposter Syndrome


Fear of Failure

People Pleasing

Quarter/Midlife Identity Crisis

Self Esteem


Communication Styles

As seen on

Wellbeing Workshops

Interactive workshops for organizations & teams. View Eunice’s recent workshop on Asian Parents & their invalidation.

Founder | Psychotherapist| Author |Podcast Host| Workshop Facilitator|

Meet Eunice Cheung

I bounced between two cities, Hong Kong and Sydney growing up. Moving back and forth was a difficult experience because I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere. 

I was either too Asian or too Whitewashed to fit in with my peers which made me feel like there was something wrong with me. I had an identity crisis, I was torn between sticking to my asian values or rejecting them and taking on western values.

But I now realize, its not one or the other, it is about accepting both cultural parts of myself and integrating it within myself. Read my blog post here on Growing up Asian in Western society and 3 tips to cope with invalidation from Asian parents and Asian Parents & Invalidation Part 2 here. and Asian Culture of "feeling like a burden".

Follow my Newsletter to receive these blogs in your inbox fortnightly. I provide insights on life & self improvement here.

This is why I am passionate in working with Asian Culture. I want to create a space to talk about asian nuisances and normalize the taboos. 

Most importantly, I want to be the therapist I never had and give out the support I wish I had when I was struggling.

My goal is to educate & inspire you to break out of your own limiting self beliefs to find your voice.

My long term vision is to inspire the next generation of Asians to excel, innovate and rise up to their fullest potential, in personal and social life.
— Eunice Cheung

Therapy & Coaching services available in English & Cantonese.

Let’s Connect on Socials:

@yourmillennialtherapist & Eunice.Co on Spotify

Follow my journey

@yourmillennialtherapist on Insta

The world is shifting. Traditional education and employment are failing us.

No-one teaches us to self-actualize.

No-one teaches us to think (more) for ourselves and our path.

The traditional linear path isn’t the only way.

But only if you self-actualize enough to recognize your potential is unfulfilled and make a change.

The rise of self actualization & personal development is more important than ever.

Those who lean into it are the ones that won’t end up settling for a life they don’t want.

Those who settle will end up resentful, bitter, angry and sad.

The way to live an authentic life is to be aware.

To be conscious.

To be intentional.

To be reflective.

To do that, you first need to uncover the shitty mental patterns that exist within you.

Because it hinders you in ways you are not subconsciously aware of.

Here is a solution.

Let’s get to the ROOT of your mental patterns. 

Introducing…Attack The Roots Of You Patterns. An actionable workbook will show you how, to help you become aware, identify and understand the ROOT of your unhealthy mental patterns & practical strategies to GET OUT of it.

Straight-up advice & practical strategies for self help, self love, self acceptance & building your self worth up.

    • You are noticing patterns within yourself in relationships that stems from your family/childhood

    • You are noticing that your limiting beliefs are preventing you from achieving more in your life, career and in your relationships

    • You are sick of seeking other’s approval, validation & assurance about yourself

    • You want to work on yourself but you are unsure HOW and WHAT to work on

    • You are ready to go to the next level to understand WHY you do certain things

    • Want practical actionable exercises to cope with life’s challenges

    • Want to be pushed & challenged to think and do things differently

    • Part 1: An invitation to the journey of understanding yourself → the importance of identifying your mental patterns & understanding how they hinder you in life & relationships

    • Part 2: My 10 golden ticket questions that will brain fuck your mind → uncover your subconscious and bring it into the conscious mind

    • Part 3: Reflection Prompts → identifying the fears that are holding you back

    • Part 4: My 3 step process of change & 3 reflective exercises for each step to solidify your understanding in uncovering your default mental patterns → QIE (Questioning, Identifying, Empowerment)

    • Part 5: 3 Actionable takeaways → Access to 3 of my own resources for you to revisit and add to your tool box of dealing with life decisions

      • Do A Values Audit on your life

      • Building your own Positivity Reservoir to develop better self worth

      • Visualize & love your inner child in moments of stress and overwhelm

    • Part 6: Accountability check in exercise → an exercise designed to help you sustain your awareness in the long term even after you have gone through the ebook

    • Bonus: My Personal Resource List to keep me accountable, wise and reflective in my life.

    • You will feel empowered knowing what your triggers are & develop insights to articulate why, what, how

    • Know what your values are & how to make better life choices in aligned with them

    • Ways to build your self esteem & self worth up

    • Have practical tools to sustain your self awareness journey

What makes us different?

Are you tired of being passive in your life? Are you wanting to take initiative and better control of your life but finding it hard to do so? Are you finding yourself repeating unhealthy patterns in your life but unable to break out of it?

This is why….Asking the right questions can change you life. 

Our founder, Eunice Cheung, is an authentic, humours and passionate therapist who takes on a direct & no bullshit approach with clients to ensure you can walk away feeling empowered with tools to rewire your mentality to align yourself by living up to your fullest potential. 

Here, at Your millennial therapist, we value authenticity and realness in everything we do.  Eunice seeks to empower and inspire you with authentic talks about what is going on for you - without clinical jargons. Therapy is different to chats with a friend because there are things you do or say that you are unaware of or haven’t fully understood. 

This is where Eunice come in, she can help you uncover and debunk reasons behind what you do, how you cope and how it can impact your daily life.

Therapy is a process of building self-awareness and this change can be confronting and scary. But you see, nothing changes without action, meaning you have to do something different. Let that thing be us. 

Life can be challenging at times but we are here to help you through insightful chats with our therapist and developing a curiosity on why things are the way they are for you.

“If you aim for nothing, you will hit nothing.”

Quoted from Shang chi

Eunice’s therapy style



Like a Coach

Strength based



